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Contact:Reman Fang
Address:Sanxing Road,Xinqiao International Industrial Park,Shouxian Town,Huainan City,Anhui,China

Company culture

For the user: the intentions of services to customers, so that human life colorful.
Staff: to create space for development to enhance the value of staff, improve the quality of life.
For the community: to promote the healthy development and serve the community the progress of civilization.
Business philosophy:
Integrity! Realistic! Innovation! Efficient! responsibility!
Moral principle:
Rather lose money, never lose credibility;   Clear vain man, honest work;
Work better, others in good faith and pragmatic;   Business regardless of size, should be treated equally;
Corporate style:
Serious, responsible, strict, active and efficient
Serious: excellence, inquisitive
It is responsible for: the courage to take responsibility for in the end
Strict: strict management, grueling. Self-discipline, strict law person, strictly in work processes, strict reward and punishment.
Active: Active accept the task, take the initiative to assume responsibility, take the initiative to identify problems, take the initiative to improve and perfect.
Efficient: clear work plans, rapid response. Done something today, tomorrow leave space.
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